An evening with the Curator
For almost twelve years is Pirjo Heino curator for the seasonal exhibitions at Hovinkartano in Hauho.
Preparations for the exhibition start in February already, selected artists from all over the world are being contacted or can apply for exposition space. Apart from the artistic value of a piece of art it also needs to fit the theme of the exhibition and the area of exhibition.
In Finland there are about 2000 registered artists, Pirjo is one of them. Since 1971 she has participated in more than a hundred cooperative and group exhibitions, she had more than 40 solo exhibitions in Finland and been invited to more than 80 exhibitions abroad.
It is in Finland – as almost everywhere – hard to earn your money by producing pieces of fine arts only, for this reason Pirjo applies her talent also by being curator for the organization of arts exhibitions.
One evening I visited Pirjo’s studio which is located in former army barracks in the city of Hämeenlinna. In 2003 was on the request of sculptor Olli Larjo some space made available and rented out for artists studio’s in this building. During the years the originally small group of artists has grown almost into a comprehensive art and design community throughout the building, where more than 30 professional artists and craftsmen of all kind of arts have their dedicated or shared studio.
Pirjo showed me around the building (nowadays “Art Barracks” or “Taidekaserni”) and I had the chance to meet Olli Larjo who gave us a glance and explanation of his portfolio and items he is currently working on; very impressive.
What is your preference for working… alone in a studio… or at a place where you can meet other artists… or in a shared studio with someone else… ?